014: Apple iBeacon, Asana and Interactive VSLs with Justin Brooke

Owning Your Own show

Summary: Justin Brooke joins the show to discuss interactive VSLs and we pack in a full agenda of other content, including: The Finger – Apple iBeacon: geolocation implementation at live sports events The Toolbox – Asana - Project management and team collaboration tool. Interview with Justin Brooke  - Discussion about Interactive VSL's with entrepreneur and marketer Justin Brooke Outro Song (Alan) – Enemy - Days of the New (1999) Send questions, comments, suggestions or love to podcast@owningyourown.com Episode 014 Nugs of Knowledge We will soon have a glossary (1:05) If you know the answer to Sacajewea's baby holder hit us up #oyoshow (3:00) San Diego Petco Park and Miami Dolphin's stadium is where Qualcomm is powering the technology for the geolocation sports related app iBeacon is first rolled out. (9:05) Buying stuff at the team store is for suckers (14:17) iBeacon integrates with different apps (14:25) Teamwork without email (16:05) All project management tools are the same; it's the input of the users (16:40) Dropbox, Uber, Virginia Tech among others are users of Asana (18:00) Asana has a great mobile application and is free up to 15 users (19:05) Time tracking  (20:00) Justin got started in 2005 but surfaced more in 2007 where he interned with a millionaire. (25:20) Interactive Video Sales Letters from the evolution of direct mail sales letters  (26:20) Customized content, segmentation and automation (27:30) Video Sales Letter vision; based on answer, the presentation changes customized by user interface. (28:30) Industries that benefit most are B2B. (29:45) Justin threw into the ether the idea of making Video Sales Letters...the idea is very new. (31:45) Technology is out there, just have to combine it in a more dynamic way. (33:00) The implications are endless; Hollywood level production to a survey (35:45) Hey World!  This is possible! (38:00)