Daily Devotions For The Deaf show

Summary: Imagine that it is your birthday. Many people are invited to your party. Decorations are hung and food is prepared. The people come to your birthday party, but no one pays attention to you. That would be very strange! That’s exactly what happened when Jesus came to live on earth. Verses 10b-11a of our Bible Reading say, “The world was made through him, but the world did not know him. He came to the world that was his own. And his own people did not accept him.” It is sad to think that Jesus, who made the world, was rejected by His own people. Maybe some people were jealous of Jesus. Or maybe they just didn’t want to accept Him as God’s Son. Jesus deserves our honor and obedience. He is the One who loves us and died for us. What do you think about Jesus? Is He just another good man? Or is Jesus the only true Son of God?