Be Like a Child

Daily Devotions For The Deaf show

Summary: A little child understands love. Even before he can talk or sign, a child feels his parents’ love and accepts it. A child does not need to understand why his parents love him. He just needs to feel their love. Our Bible verses today give us a simple lesson from Jesus. In verse 3, He said, “The truth is, you must change your thinking and become like little children. If you don’t do this, you will never enter God’s kingdom.” This does not mean that we need to act like children. It means that we should have a child-like faith. We should love and follow God and His Word, the Bible. This lesson from Jesus is so simple that many people refuse to believe it. These people think that they need to understand everything about God. But we cannot completely understand God. So, we need to have faith and be willing to receive God’s love and goodness. Be humble today. Accept God’s love and salvation through Jesus.