BDP 000 : Diabetes Podcast Introduction

Blogging Diabetes Podcasts with Tony Rose show

Summary: <a href=""></a> Blogging Diabetes Podcast (BDP) is my debut or introduction to podcasting about diabetes.  The term podcasting may not be widely known, so I will attempt to explain.  I basically record an audio file that I publish to my website.  You can listen via my site using the built in audio player or you can download to your computer.  From your computer you can use whatever device or software you want for playback.  Coming soon, iTunes will pickup my audio files as I publish them here and include them in the iTunes library.   So if you do have an ipod or iphone you will be able to get the new episodes via iTunes.  Contrary to what some believe, podcasts have nothing to do with ipods.  You don't need to have an ipod to listen to the podcasts.  Many smartphones now have the ability to playback podcasts too. Items Mentioned Upcoming podcasts will probably be around 30 minutes because I'm not really one to ramble on and on. I may have featured guests on discussing different aspects of diabetes from time to time. Feedback or questions: BDP Hotline: 410-774-6079 Next Podcast Episode Tony's story uncut and never told before Social media with diabetes Zune coming soon UPDATE: Now on <a href="" target="_blank">iTunes</a> <a href="" target="_blank"></a>