BDP 004 : A Child’s Perspective, Depression, Relationships and Tattoos with Diabetes

Blogging Diabetes Podcasts with Tony Rose show

Summary: Run time<a href=""></a> 37:46 Blogging Diabetes Podcast Session 4 This session jumps around a bit because I talk about a few different topics that have recently come up and are relevant to the diabetes community.  Also, I get into a few more questions that came in from readers that varied widely in topic.  I hope you enjoy the session and I'd love to get your feedback either via iTunes or here in the comments. Items Mentioned <a href="" target="_blank">Interview</a> with Chris from JustTalkingPodcast (1:30) Depression and it's link to diabetes (3:00) Diabetes and relationships (9:00) Diabetes from a child's perspective (15:40) Emergency's and young children (19:00) Lancet fun for my kids (23:45) Diabetes tattoos (25:30) How to access the podcast (30:00) QOTP (Question of the Podcast) - Leave your response below in the comments! 1) What are your thoughts about a diabetes "alert" tattoo? 2) What advice would you give someone who is dating and newly diagnosed with diabetes? BDP Hotline: 410-774-6079 Post a comment below <a href="" target="_blank">iTunes</a> Review <a href="" target="_blank"></a> These podcasts are on <a href="" target="_blank">iTunes</a> <a href="" target="_blank"></a> Direct RSS feed for podcast episodes