BDP 013 | iPhone, Caffeine Addiction, Gushers, Syringes vs. Pump and Diabetes News

Blogging Diabetes Podcasts with Tony Rose show

Summary: Blogging Diabetes Podcast Session 13<a href="" target="_blank"></a><a href=""></a> I really enjoy recording these podcasts and I hope you find them beneficial.  This week I give an update on the whole blood sugar imaginary floor and my exercise routine.  On Friday I will be getting my first iPhone (4s) and I'm really excited to try out a few diabetes related apps that were never available on Android. What makes this week a bit special is that I lay it all out there for you.  You can probably tell by the sound of my voice and sense the frustration I've been having around caffeine.  Mixed in is a little bit about Gushers and some diabetes news.  The session's question is around my thoughts on what it might mean to be on injection  or an insulin pump therapy in terms of weight control or weight gain.  Please let me know what you think or if there is anything you would like to hear me cover in an upcoming episode. Run time: 31:41 In this session I cover: <a href="" target="_blank">Session 12</a> - Struggling with blood sugar floor <a href="" target="_blank">BodyBugg</a> ($179) and BodyBugg iPhone App <a href="" target="_blank">Glucose Buddy</a> iPhone App <a href="" target="_blank">Caffeine Addiction </a>(maybe I'm just weak) School Notice on <a href="" target="_blank">Energy Drinks</a> for kids <a href="" target="_blank">Gusher</a> Syringe vs. Pump on weight gain - <a href="" target="_blank">Disadvantages</a> and <a href="" target="_blank">Advantages</a> <a href="" target="_blank">Awareness Envy by Amy of A Sweet Life</a> <a href=",0,1933934.story" target="_blank">Orlando Brown</a> former Baltimore Raven died of Ketoacidosis Thank you so much for your support, and if you have yet to leave a rating or review, please leave me an honest one on iTunes by <a href="" target="_blank">clicking here</a>. It will help the show and I would truly appreciate it! Enjoy the session! QOTP (Question of the Podcast) Do you think someone on an insulin pump is apt to be more overweight than those on syringes? For feedback: BDP Hotline: 410-774-6079 Post a comment below <a href="" target="_blank">iTunes</a> Review <a href="" target="_blank"></a><a href="" target="_blank"></a> These podcasts are on <a href="" target="_blank">iTunes</a> <a href="" target="_blank"></a><a href="" target="_blank"></a> Direct RSS feed for podcast episodes