BDP 015 | Lab Results, Heart Rate, Apps, Opportunities, Q&A, BPA and Pump Hacking

Blogging Diabetes Podcasts with Tony Rose show

Summary: Blogging Diabetes Podcast Session 15<a href="" target="_blank"></a><a href="" target="_blank"></a> I can't believe how long I talked in this week's episode because it's simply jam packed full of info, questions, news and topics I had come up and wanted to share with you.  I'll try to keep the sessions closer to 30 minutes, but sometimes you just get on a role, right?  This week's episode covers my doctor's visit and the fun with that, a new gadget I picked up, Apps, missed opportunities, questions from some listeners, Diabetes in the news and also the hot topic of being able to hack an insulin pump. Run time: 46:22 Some topics I cover in this session: My Doctor's Appointment, Flu shot, fasting (Cholesterol) and online records <a href=";tag=bloggingdiabetes-20&amp;linkCode=xm2&amp;camp=1789&amp;creativeASIN=B000A5CEUO" target="_blank">Heart Rate Monitor</a> (Aff Link) - Resting rates are 60-100 and target cardio for me is 130-167 <a href="" target="_blank">Glucose Buddy</a> Missed Opportunities My A1c's in the <a href="" target="_blank">newsletter</a> Q&amp;A from <a href="" target="_blank">Facebook</a> Diabetes Type wars Almonds as a great snack that do have a tiny amount of Saturated fat <a href="" target="_blank">Pareto</a> Rule - Not sure if I explained this accurately <a href="" target="_blank">BPA</a> - link to diabetes <a href="" target="_blank">Pump Hackers</a> Lab results will be in next week's podcast! I hope you enjoy the session! For feedback: BDP Hotline: 410-774-6079 Post a comment below <a href="" target="_blank">iTunes</a> Review <a href="" target="_blank"></a><a href="" target="_blank"></a>