Flirty Female Monkeys Throw Stones at Males To Get Their...

Experimental show

Summary: Flirty Female Monkeys Throw Stones at Males To Get Their Attention Episode 57 - by Mary Bates (Access the MP3) (Access the full text transcript) Female capuchin monkeys don’t look any different when they’re at their most fertile. So to let the males know when they’re ready to mate, they change their behavior - making faces and following the males around. But in one group of monkeys, the females have figured out another way to get attention: throwing stones at the object of their affections. It’s a brand new behavior never before reported in monkeys. Listen to the Podcast to learn more! Mary Bates is a freelance science writer living in Boston. She has a Ph.D. in psychology from Brown University where she studied bat echolocation. You can visit her website at and follow her on Twitter at @mebwriter.