Episode 1 – January

A Night Bird show

Summary: It's snowing in Berlin and aside for our short bursts of outdoor fun and mini snowman building we've been enjoying our indoor activities! On The knitting Needles Stitchnerd's Beautiful Cobweb is now having it's lace part added! It's slower progress now but may be finished by February! Dagmar Mora's second Wraparound Glove is well under way. Luca is also getting some Mama designed new mittens for this cold weather! The family socks should soon be finished too! Other Crafty Projects It's nearly time for the next quilt group square to be handed over and I just need to add a little boarder to my friendship star. I have some new fabric from Japan which I love but and unsure what to make with. Flea Market Finds I found some little painted figures from GDR times and a wooden "Oma". Enjoyable Reads I just finished "Rush Home Road" by Lori Lansens and have now read and enjoyed all her books.