Bonus Pod #38: 4 Reasons Why We Sabotage Taking Action

EFT/Tapping Q and A Podcast with Gene Monterastelli – Emotional Freedom Techniques show

Summary: Over the last few weeks I have found myself saying over and over again to my clients in our phone sessions that there are 4 reasons why we sabotage ourselves and stand in the way of taking the action we know we want to take. Without exception my clients respond, "Wait! I want to write this down." So here are those four reasons written down for you: We don't have a clear vision. We don't know how to take the step. It is painful to take action. It is painful to be successful. There are practical and emotional reasons that can show up in each of these four areas. In this week's podcast I walk through each of these AND how you can start tapping for them. Subscribe to the podcast in iTunes [Note: Here is the information on the live event I am doing March.] Are you looking for help to go after these four reasons why we don't take action? Members of the Ruach Center don't have this problem. Every morning they receive an email with a link to a tap-along audio that will set them up for success. Ruach Center has over 150 tools and tap-alongs that are designed to help you to tap to action. You should check it out: Ruach Center