TLPOH - Episode 17 - [DR] is for …….

The Little Pod of Horrors show

Summary: Three shows in 3 weeks. Wow. We are spoiling you are, aren't we? In this part we are joined by listener Jim Moon to discuss Mr. Boz's next entry into The Little Pod of Classics. Before we get to that though, we chat through: - some more feedback from listener Natalie, - another brief mention of The Woman In Black, - a feature from Empire magazine - the 666 greatest horror movie characters of all time, - a 2013 best of list from, - and then we get to the main event itself. If the wonderful soothing tones of Mr Moon is something that you would like to here more of then you can do so at these locations: - The Hypnobobs podcast - available from iTunes or from - Audiobooks - available from Bandcamp, search for Hypnogoria - Witless for the Defence podcast - available from iTunes or from You can also read some of the wonderful writings from Mr Moon by going to: - and searching for Seven of Spectres for the Kindle, - and searching for A Quarter to Fear for the Kindle If you would like to share any recommendations, thoughts or opinions with us then please, please, please send them in to us at: or tweet them to @podofhorrors. Make sure you send your competition entries in as well. Trust us, you'll want one of the limited edition t shirts! All entries must be in by December 31, 2013. Until next time .......