Commission Income? Avoid the Financial Roller Coaster of Feast or Famine.

Lifestyle UPGRADES via Debt-Free Wealth  show

Summary: Salaries and wages seem to offer financial planning stability.  Even if the paycheck is inadquate, knowing exactly how much and when it will arrive makes cashflow management a much easier task. However, when a person earns their income via commissions, sometimes the feast or famine in flow is one they become familiar with very quickly. Entrepreneurs, network marketers, and those in sales cannot 'guarantee' income from month to month.  Some months are better than others, some business have some seasons that are better than others, and so the sporadic, or inconsistent income flow makes planning a challenge.  Many find themselves in big financial trouble. However, it IS possible to create a working spending plan that relaxes the panic around money, builds in more control, avoid debt, and encourage wealth accumulation.  In this episode, we will discuss some of these resources and strategies.  Join me!