Episode #5 – Colin Nederkoorn On Email Marketing for Software-as-a-Service (Saas) Companies

Email Marketing Podcast by The Autoresponder Guy - DropDeadCopy.com show

Summary: Today's podcast is all about how to be relevant. In today's world, empathy and relevant is compulsory for email marketing success. In episode 5 of the Email Marketing Podcast, Colin shares tips and tricks for increasing relevance and making more sales via email. Colin Nederkoorn is the CEO of a small 3-person email company called Customer.io. Customer.io helps online businesses better connect with their customers by using the data they have about them... things like what products customers have purchased, what pages they've visited, and more. With Customer.io, you can email customers based on the data you have on the them. It increases relevance and timeliness. In this episode, you'll discover: How to make your emails more relevant and more timely Feel like your emails suck? Find out how to write better emails. Why relevancy is the name of the email game in 2013 The biggest problem most entrenreneurs have with email (and how to fix it) You're probably writing emails all wrong (find out what you're doing wrong and what you need to be doing instead) Usability... does it matter? How to use the "From" name (the answer depends on whether a few specific things) Action smaction... you gotta stop asking for action too soon because it's hurting your chances of making the sale Asking people to do 10 different things at once? Hmmm. Listen to find out if this is a good idea. What the hell should you send your customers and subscribers? How to get people to cough up their credit card details to actually buy your shit Mentioned: Customer.io (email marketing for Saas companies) Learn to write better emails in 2 weeks (Colin's email course) Joe Polish I Love Marketing Podcast Ryan McLean, Cashflowinvestor.com.au Intro and outro backing music: Forever More by CREO Raw transcript: Speaker 1: If you actually ask people to do something and communicate the value of why they should they'll do it. Speaker 2: Hey podcast listener you're about to discover insider tips, tricks and secrets to making more sales and converting more prospects into customers with email marketing. For more information about the email marketing podcast or the Autoresponder Guy, go to dropdeadcopy.com/podcast. Hey everybody it's John McIntyre here the order respond to gain. It's time for episode five of the email marketing podcast where we talk about the top tips, tricks and secrets for making more sales and growing your revenue with email marketing. It's episode five and today I'll be talking to Colin Nederkoorn, the CEO of a small company called Customer.io. Customer.io helps online business better connect with their customers by using the data they have about them. Things like what products customers have purchased and what pages they've visited on the site and more. It's very valuable stuff. Now, in this episode you'll find out why relevance is the name of the game in 2013 when it comes to email marketing, and how to start writing better emails, because if you're listening to this podcast there's a good chance hat whatever you're sending right isn't working; otherwise you wouldn't be listening to it so stay tuned for that. To get the show notes for the email marketing podcast go to dropdeadcopy.com/ep5. Now before we get into hat let's talk news. The email marketing podcast has four new iTunes reviews and I'm going to read you one of them right now.Ryan McLean from Australia says I've been waiting for a podcast like his for years. I've got good traffic, a sizable list, but no one has been teaching me how to market effectively to my list. Five stars, because this is a stellar new specific content that will grow my business and yours. Good audio quality and even better content. Thank you Ryan for that. Ryan's website you can check that out at cashflowinvestor.com.au. Now if you and shutter fame, and yes if you put your link in the iTunes review I will read it out on the show,