TLPOH - Episode 15 - Part 2 - [H] is still for …….

The Little Pod of Horrors show

Summary: Finally. Here it is. Part 2 of our Halloween special. Only released 8 days after the main event itself. Still, Halloween is every day in Horrorland. Isn't it? So what do you get in this part? Well: - Listener Andrew writes in and recommends that we watch Fright. - We share some thoughts on the news about Army of Darkness 2 and the Hellraiser remake. - Mr Boz gives some quite insight into Machete Kills. - Goggs watched some Halloween movies (shocking!) and lets everyone know if Pumpkinhead and The American Scream is worth spending some time with. - Boz tells us all that we should be listening to Nocturnal, the new podcast audiobook from Scott Sigler - Did Boz waste his time with Battledogs and Hansel & Gretel: Witch Hunters? - We finally get round to discussing The ABC's of Death. Well Boz does as Goggs only watched up to like G or something. - And then we get to the big event, the Halloween movie of choice for 2013. We hope you enjoy. If you would like to share any recommendations, thoughts or opinions with us then please, please, please send them in to us at: or tweet them to @podofhorrors. Until next time.......