Episode #117: March 7, 2011

GateWorld Podcast show

Summary: Destiny's 'Cosmic' Mission. Tonight Stargate Universe kicks off with a bang as the first of the final 10 episodes premieres on Syfy Channel in the U.S. (It's on tomorrow night on SPACE in Canada.) To celebrate the new episodes the GateWorld Podcast is returning to its regular weekly format, and this week Darren and David are talking about Destiny's mission, cosmic background radiation, Destiny's own intelligence, and obtaining the power of the universe. We'll also talk about what we hope to see in these final episodes. We'll also open up the voicemail box again to hear what's on your mind! Be sure to call the GateWorld Podcast Hotline after you've seen tonight's new episode, "Deliverance," and give us your reactions. Please call by the end of day on Friday, and keep your message concise, to make it into next Monday's show. Look for the Episode #117 show notes now at GateWorld.net!