ASK April – Are you being too picky when dating?

Dating Coach | Dating Advice for Women | Relationship Coach | Dating Expert show

Summary: I've got a big question for you today ladies.Are you or anyone you know suffering from the “Do I have to settle to settle down” syndrome? It’s a common question that leaves women feeling unsettled, confused and down right anxious about their dating life.Let’s be honest. At some point, you’ve been in a relationship where you felt like you were settling. Today I'm going to explain how you can instantly tell if you’re settling and why I believe some women are not being SELECTIVE enough!I'm going to show you:How to tell if you're just too picky and missing out on a great man. How to determine the difference between settling and settling down. How you can get super clear about your dream guy by doing a simple exercise.I would love to hear from you! Please post your thoughts right below the video. I do read each and every one of your comments.Until next week, I wish you New Beginnings and Lasting Relationships!Your friend in love,