TLPOH - Episode 6 - [H] is for …….

The Little Pod of Horrors show

Summary: And here we are again.  Just when you thought it was safe to go back into your podcast library, Goggs and Boz decide to bring your more ramblings on the wonderful world of Horror.  In this fun packed episode we go over the usual movies we have watched, [B] is for Boz returns and a new feature is introduced.  During the show there is a reference to The Midnight Meat Train.  For those of you that are unaware of the history of the show, this is where Goggs and Boz were first heard on air together on the very short lived (but wonderful) Little Pod of Horrors.  This show can be found here - As always, please let us have your feedback.  We love to receive it and devote some time to it during the recordings where we can.  You can e-mail us at: , send us a tweet to @podofhorrors or visit the Facebook or G+ site, links to which can be found on our site - Until next time, be afraid.  Be very afraid