TLPOH - Special - Evil Dead

The Little Pod of Horrors show

Summary: Well, we had to do it didn't we!  You should all be aware of the differing views that  Goggs and Boz have of The Evil Dead so this was a must.  Especially as Boz bought Goggs a ticket to go see it! In this show a reference is made to an old show and it's actually Episode 7 of Little Pod of Horrors.  What?  You expected someone to be fully briefed and research to be complete before the recording? As you may expect there are SPOILERS throughout so be warned.  Also, this was recorded after Episode 8 of the show but we wanted to get this out to you as soon as we could.  You'll just need to stay tuned to the next show to find out what we mean by "bag of crisps" and a reference that Boz makes during the vomit scene. We hope you enjoy this special.  It's hopefully better than being fucked in the face with a chainsaw