TLPOH - Episode 8 [ ] is for ……..

The Little Pod of Horrors show

Summary: This was recorded prior to our Evil Dead show so here is where you will find out all about bags of crisps and vomit and no I didn't forget to put a letter in the title.  This show is about, well, everything and anything.  Goggs has been on a bit of a trailer kick lately so there's lots of talk about upcoming movies, B is for Boz is back and well just general chit chat. During the show we take a pause to watch the amazing short film "Don't Move" which you can find over at  Please do go over there and take the time to watch.  You won't be disappointed. As always, feedback is welcome.  Send e-mails to: , tweet us: @podofhorrors , and you can also visit us on Google+ and Facebook.  As always, these links can be found at Until next time.........