TLPOH - Episode 10 - [ ] is for …….

The Little Pod of Horrors show

Summary: Yes everyone, we finally made it back. And we finally made it to episode 10!! This show was recorded a few (OK many) weeks ago and afterwards Goggs somehow managed to get lost in time again and forgot the whole editing, publishing thing. Sorry about that. Hopefully you'll forgive us.In this show we do what we do best. Talk about anything and everything and, if we do say so ourselves, this show features the best B is for Boz yet! We also continue our love of the peeps over at Bloody Cuts and although the news is somewhat outdated, we talk some more about FrightFest and Boz's sad news about attendance.As always, please send in your feedback to: or visit us on Twitter (@podofhorrors), Facebook (The Little Pod Of Horrors) orGoogle+.Until next time,