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The Little Pod of Horrors show

Summary: On March 3rd, 2012, a fireball was spotted streaking across the skies of the United Kingdom. To the untrained eye this was merely a meteor travelling across the vast universe. To those in the know, this was the delivery method for the next big thing to hit the podcasting world. The Little Pod of Horrors released its first full episode.Since that day, Goggs and Boz, have been working tirelessly to come up with, quite simply, the best podcast tagline in the history of podcast taglines. Remember when Boz locked Goggs up in his basement? That was actually a cover for a black ops mission that Goggs was sent on to scour the globe meeting with focus groups and marketing representatives for international corporations. Remember that stint over the summer where the show disappeared once again? That was actually a cover for, well nothing really. We were just too busy to do anything.After 535 days of soul searching, endless late night sessions, and basically having someone else come up with it, we are now able to share with the world our tagline:The Little Pod of Horrors. The best idea since premarital sex on Halloween.You may now shower us with praise and spread the news to the world of this joyous occasion.