TLPOH - Episode 11 - [S] is for …….

The Little Pod of Horrors show

Summary: Here's the show that you've all been waiting for. Goggs introduces his first choice for The Little Pod of Classics. There are a couple of spoilers in this episode, nothing major, and it is something that we will be working on in upcoming shows. We do really get carried away sometimes. In this episode we also discuss the following: - Amber Alert - Fast & Furious 6 (yes I know it's not horror but leave us alone) - Road Kill / Road Train - Road Kill / Joy Ride - Livid - Grindstone Road (or House) - Exquisite Corpse - Dead Hooker In a Trunk - American Mary - Infected, a novel by Scott Sigler - World War Z, the audiobook - and of course, Goggs entry S.................................................................... We also refer to the excellent Hypnobobs podcast and if you want to know just how long that runway is, you can find it at Until next time.......