TLPOH - Episode 12 - [E] is for …….

The Little Pod of Horrors show

Summary: Episode 12 is here and as well as discussing basically anything and everything we also talk about the following: - Sharknado - The Bay - Goggs finally watched Mama - spoiler zone if from 21:40 to 25:39 - Boz shares some thoughts on Pacific Rim - Is Goggs scared of the aliens in Dark Skies? - Is The Fields really a horror movie? - Is The Conjuring really as good as Boz thought it would be? - The Pact has been staring Goggs in the face for months. Boz says watch it! - And then there is Open Graves. Avoid! - Boz shares the fantastic trailer for Bloodsuckajones. It's got boobs. BIG BOOBS!!! - Boz is reading a book! How To Survive a Horror Movie. - And the show rounds off with some thoughts on what FrightFest 2013 might be like. You can find the programme here (hopefully!) and if you wish to read up on Goggsy's thoughts on all the movies then go along to the blog page at There are also a couple of important plugs during the show. The first is for an excellent book called The Hereafter by Aby Irving which can be found from Amazon for the Kindle. Currently it's only $2.99 so well worth a look. Also, PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE go along to and if you can help Tristan and Adrian reach their goal then you will be doing the world a massive favour and receive huge praise from your wonderful hosts. Time is running out on this so please check it out soon. If you want to check out the hilarious Road to FrightFest shorts that we talk about, then you can do so here. There are a total of 4 so make sure you check them all out. As always, we hope you enjoyed the show and send us some feedback to with any thoughts and recommendations you have. Until next time.......