TLPOH - Episode 14 - [L] is for …….

The Little Pod of Horrors show

Summary: Here it is. Just what you have been waiting for. It's the best idea since premarital sex on Halloween!! Goggs and Boz are back and in normal style, we rambled on for so long that we didn't actually get to our topic for the evening. Don't worry though, we saved our topic for an upcoming special which will be out for your listening pleasure very, very soon. So what do you get in this show? Well, you get: - recommendations from listener Craig for The Tunnel and The Loved Ones, - Goggs had a bit of a throwback watch with The Relic (or Relic if you're outside the USofA), - Goggs finally finished Infected, a novel by Scott Sigler, read How To Survive A Horror Movie, and started reading Contagious, the follow up to Infected, - Boz shares his experience of watching Friday the 13th parts 1-8 at his first (and only?) hen do, and then a brief discussion follows with Goggs and Boz sharing some thoughts on the superior remake (controversial!), - Boz tells us to avoid El Topo aka The Mole whilst recommending that we do watch Bug and The Collector. - Listener Andrew also recommends that we all listen to The No Sleep Podcast which you can find here. If you would like to share any recommendations, thoughts or opinions with us then please, please, please send them in to us at: or tweet them to @podofhorrors. Until next time .......