Episode 11 Special Guest Terry Daniel

Voice Over Marketing Podcast show

Summary: Terry Daniel Terry Daniel is a full time voice actor and coach, who first got started in voiceovers during his earlier radio and theater days, in the early 90's. He toured with the Sam Sheppard play, "True West", where he played the role of Austin. These days, he can be found in his home studio recording commercials/narrations for clients all over the country. His niche is theme park announcements and eLearning narration. He is also known as a social media expert and credits facebook and twitter for taking his career to the next level. He also helps people who are passionate about learning voiceovers and enjoys teaching the craft. During Our Conversation we discuss: Using Social Media How to use YouTube to generate business The Power of Using Coaches to grow your business and other interests The Importance of Marketing and Much More You Can reach Terry at: To Watch Terry's Halloween YouTube Video Click Here www.universalvoicetalent.com The Voice Over Cafe Podcast Connect With Me! Announcing the Voice Mail feature. Take a look at the orange button running along the right side of the screen -------->. Click the button and use your computer's microphone to leave me a message up to 90 seconds in duration. You might make the show! Resources Mentioned in This Episode: The Voice Over Marketing Mastermind Group In case you're thinking ... "Should I do this? Will this be worth it?" or something like that... Let me share a brief story with you about my own experience with Mastermind Groups.... I remember the first Mastermind Group I joined was $300 per month and I remember wondering how I would do it, but I also knew that I could benefit from having other people see opportunities in my business that I was too close to seeing for myself. It turned into one of the best decisions I ever made for my business. One idea from my Mastermind Group turned into a 6 figure business idea. I can't promise you'll have the same results. You will have to do some work. It will not be handed to you. But I CAN Promise you this: You will gain insights into your present business you've never had before. Opportunities you've never seen will be developed. You will enjoy working with and supporting others all with the mutual goal of growing and supporting each others businesses. I know once you are a member and participating in all the great ideas and exchanges from a mastermind group you will see it is well worth this investment. Click Here to learn more. Announcing "Meldawg's Book Club" Years ago after a station concert I was imbibing a few beers with some colleagues at local pub when they - for some unknown reason - started referring to me as... (Click here to read more) The Show Keeps GROWING! We’ve had 4838 downloads as of this writing! Thanks for continuing to spread the word! Recommended Resource! Do you spend your days (and nights?) staring at computer monitors and hand held devices? Have you noticed that it's affecting your vision? You know I'm BIG into peak performance and health/wellness. Z-health is the company that developed the training system that I use with my trainer to stay flexible. First and foremost, Z-health is a complete training system that puts you back in control of your own performance. By using the nervous system to rapidly "debug" your movement patterns, you can create lightning-fast improvements in performance. (Plus pain relief, injury prevention, and mindset.) As an educational company, the goal of Z-Health Performance is to help create professionals in the top 1% of their respective fields. They've recently developed a Product called "The Vision Gym" It is VERY Cool! If you're finding it harder to see then check this out... This IS an Affiliate Link. If you choose to purchase the product I will earn a commission. I only recommend something to you if I've used it myself and think it is well worth the value. This is one of those products!