Garageband for the iPad – Mobile Podcasting Getting Easier

Online Marketing Studio show

Summary: With the announcement last week of the new iPad 3, Apple also introduced a new version of Garageband for the iPad. For those of you not familiar with Garageband, it is a simple yet powerful music and audio production software tool that's been available on the Mac for several years.Garageband is loved by both musicians and podcasters because of its simplistic user interface, yet advanced capabilities. Want to burn a single track and email to your friend - no problem. Want to record 8-tracks with both live and MIDI instruments with complex effects and save to your iPad? No problem.The beauty of Garageband on the iPad is that you'll now be able to do all of this on the go, with great battery life and the ability for sync your GB file tracks back to your Mac for editing and final mixdown. That's pretty appealing.The latest version of Garageband now let's you export your recordings to Facebook and SoundCloud - two potential opportunities for podcasters. Of course, neither of these solutions publishes to the public iTunes feed, but it's a step in the right direction.So if you want to podcast, I suppose you could setup a SoundCloud account and use Garageband to do that. Personally, I like my podcasts on iTunes so people can subscribe to them. That's why I created Mobile Podcaster. If you have an iPad or iPhone, you should check that out.