SPP 078 – Balancing Family While Writing Like a Machine

The Story Studio Podcast - Writing, Storytelling, and Marketing Advice for Writers & Business show

Summary: We've gotten a few questions about "family stuff" lately, so we figured we'd address that one today -- how do you balance your family life with your writing? I (Johnny) began with a blatant plug. The final book in my Fat Vampire series -- Fat Vampire 6 -- comes out today, and as an experiment to follow in Ed Robertson's shoes, I've lowered the price of the Book 1-4 box set to 99 cents. So pick those up if you're into it. Sean's book Writer Dad also came out this week, so we talked a bit about that -- about how this book HAS A SHIT TON OF VALUE no matter how hard a time Sean has seeing that because it lets writers see the true ups and downs and generally putting your money where your mouth is that goes into this journey. So pick it up; it's discounted for the rest of this month. We then talked a lot about Kobo, some issues they've had this week with complaints and censorship, and how we're totally in their corner and think they're awesome. Kobo deserves a break. Give it to them. The rest of the show was dedicated to talking about family life. Sean made Dave and I feel inadequate and I talked about how I feel guilty no matter what I do. Dave grumbled. It was a good time. Here's the video version of the show: http://youtu.be/O0XpelzmO3A