Comet Elenin and The Hopi Blue Star Kachina Prophecy show

Summary: Planet X Special Report with Marshall Masters   Guest: GUEST: Will Blueotter, White Roots of Peace Council   In the recent video Comet Elenin Forecast for 9/2011 to 1/2012 and the Hopi Blue Star Kachina by Marshall Masters, the case is made that this approaching object, may be the dreaded harbinger of Hopi prophecy.   So why does this video focus on Hopi prophecy for these times as opposed to other sources, more familiar to many? In a word, experience and the old axiom, "consider the source" offers us a clear litmus test. What it tells us about the prophecies and predictions of the Bible, Nostradamus and other known Western sources, is that they were all given long after the last global cataclysm occurred - that being the Ten Plagues of Exodus.