Using Synchronicity to Overcome Adversity show

Summary: GUEST: Dr. Kirby Surprise What if you could enhance your ability to overcome adversity with better decisions, but the advantage gains only represents thee to five percent? Easy to overlook for lazy minds, seeking more for less. On the other hand, those who understand what it takes to persevere and win, also know that a snail gain like this can put you over a crucial tipping point. One that weighs in your favor, thereby giving you the initiative and options that others simply miss. This enhancement is called synchronicity and our ancient, primitive ancestors honed this natural ability on the savannas of Africa. Like riding a bike, synchronicity is something the human species has never forgotten, though it is often overlooked. But for those in the know, unlocking this ancient advantage is easier than most would imagine.  This according to Dr. Kirby Surprise, author of Synchronicity: The Art of Coincidence, Choice, and Unlocking Your Mind.   In this interview, theory is distilled into a simple bullet list of do's and don'ts that you can begin using today to reawaken this incredible ability that resides within each and everyone of us.