Is Human Evolution Beyond Our Control? show

Summary: GUEST: Lisa Barretta According to Lisa Barretta, author of The Book of Transformation: Open Yourself to Psychic Evolution, the Rebirth of the World, and the Empowering Shift Pioneered by the Indigos, that as earth passes through the central plane of the Milky Way galaxy in 2012, a new portal into spiritual development will open. A practicing astrologer for the last 30 years, she draws on her experience as an  intuitive counselor to paint a broad picture of our future.  One in which humanity is already undergoing a transformation from lower mundane values to higher spiritual ones. This evidenced by the appearance of Indigo, Crystal, and Rainbow Children which she believes evidence the first stages of our evolutionary upgrade as a species. In a world dominated by self-serving, multinational corporations and corrupt governments, could this evolutionary upgrade be the real vehicle for change? If so, what does that mean for us?