SPP 075 – Launch Strategies with Ed Robertson

The Story Studio Podcast - Writing, Storytelling, and Marketing Advice for Writers & Business show

Summary: Today we talked with again with perennial SPP guest (our Justin Timberlake, though he's not yet done "dick in a box") Ed Robertson about book launch strategy. Ed got to something stupid like #15 overall paid in Amazon for his Breakers box set after a string of cool strategy and a bit of luck. This all began, by the way, when I asked Ed how I could promote MY new release, Fat Vampire 5: Fatpocalypse, which came out on 9/26. Because, you see, it's hard to promote later books in a series. Ed made the box set cheap so that he could promote IT… and hence get spill-over and buy-up to the fourth book in his series. As is always the case when we have Ed on, this one is jam packed and one hell of a information roller-coaster. We always get so much out of these. Here's the video version of the show: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OHN-dxMqOFo