99 – False Starts

The British History Podcast show

Summary: Ok, so to bring you back up to speed, Augustine was now the Archbishop of England, he had orders to expand into York and London (despite their current pagan leadership), he had King AEthelberht of Kent on his side, but other than that he was sort of on his own on the island… partially because he failed to make friends with the Christians in the Celtic west. Here’s a tip, when trying to make friends… don’t threaten to have them killed if they refuse. But for Augustine, despite his conflict with the Christians to the west, things were going fairly well. I mean, by this point, he had founded a couple monasteries and he even rebuilt an old Roman church in Canterbury, along with the help of AEthelberht. We also see that he was carrying out Pope Gregory’s orders fairly well, by convincing the Anglo Saxons to slightly shift their pagan feasts so that they could count as celebrations for Christian Martyrs, and rather than knocking their temples down, he just consecrated them. And that move, incidentally, was politically savvy for gaining converts, and also probably kept Augustine and his fellow missionaries from meeting a bloody end at the hands of an angry mob.