Podcast Media Kits

School of Podcasting - Learn "How To Podcast"  with Podcast Coach Dave Jackson show

Summary: In today's show we talk about podcast media kits. How to make one, what tools to use, and what to do if you're number s are on the low side. We hear about a free software horror story, we hear what five podcass Miss Ilene has been listening to and I talk about the worst audio I've ever heard. Because of Podcast - I'm Seen as the Media [1:50] Brian at the pbnjnetwork.com (http://pbandjnetwork.com/) where he produces the Survival Guide for Christian Men (http://pbandjnetwork.com/asg4cm/) will be attending a promise keepers event as part of the media. He will be doing interviews and hopefully get to chat with some of the speakers. Kevin from the yesmusicpodcast.com (http://www.yesmusicpodcast.com) is celebrating 100 episodes and says he has been able to: * connect with Yes fans across the globe (including places like Latin America, Australia, Indonesia and Japan!) * interview up-and-coming progressive rock bands * interview book authors and Yes-related website owners * interview a former live member of the band * apply for a press pass for the Yes concert in Birmingham next year (I'll let you know if that comes off!) * be rated one of the top 20 personality podcasts in the UK in the 2012 European Podcast Award * start a side career as a professional podcast producer (launching a new education podcast in September) Tips On Creating a Media Kit and Getting Demo Equipment [5:53] If you are looking to demo products on your podcast here are some tips. * Contact the marketing department, not the sales department. * Give them  the ability to stop the review if its bad. * Let your audience know that you didn't buy the equipment (honesty is still the best policy) Tools I used. You can get great download stats from both Libsyncom and Blubrry.com. You can get audience surveys at podtrac.com (http://www.podtrac.com) and blubrry.com (http://www.blulbrry.com) (I believe Libsyn (http://www.libsyn.com)has one as well). You can make your own using the Surveys (http://www.bin-co.com/tools/wordpress/plugins/surveys/)plugin. When Making a Podcast Media Kit Here are Some Items You Can Include * A description of your podcast * How often you publish * Who Listens (demographics):Age, Gender, Education, Marital Status, Household Income, Number of Children * What do they buy online (so use the tools above to ask those questions of your audience) * Any notable quotes from the press, or from listeners from iTunes * Your rating in iTunes * Total number of downloads (ever, per year, month, episodes, etc).  Libsyn.com and Blubrry.com provide these numbers * Total number of monthly unique visitors to your website. * Total number of RSS subscribers * What sponsorship includes (what type of advertising, where it will be located) * About the host(s) Lead With an Impressive Number When I looked at podcast media kits, many people quote the "total number of downloads" which looks impressive and makes a good first impression. You can always wait for the potential sponsor to ask how many downloads per episode that means. Whatever you do, do NOT inflate your numbers. I could say the Feeding My Faith podcast has 4000 downloads (in reality I'm getting about 200 downloads per 20 episodes). It is more impressive to hit people with 4000 downloads than 200. Again, this is NOT false. Its true. The goals it to make a good first impression. If You're Podcast Doesn't Have Impressive Numbers Then... If you don't have a large amount of downloads (over 1000, typically over 8000) how do you sell your podcast? You sell the podcasting platform instead. Explain the power of Podcasting such as: Edison Research 2010 71% of Podcast listeners visit a sponsors website. 40% purchased a product 37% have used a promotional code 28% have listened to a podcast. Approximately 70 million. 67% of podcast listeners listen in their car 2006 11% Listeners 23% in 2010. Awareness has doubled since 2006