Always Be Ready to Pimp Your Band – Demo CDs

Marketing Musician show

Summary: Today I share a story that looked like we were going to have one of the worst gigs ever. Instead it turned into one of the best, and there I was with no email sign up forms, no flyers to promote the website, and we had people in the palm of our hand. It was one of the worst blown opportunities of my career. With this in mind, I urge you to always be ready. The other point we make today is having a demo CD. You want to put your best foot forward. Don't record your band in the basement on you iPad, or worse on a cassette deck. It is good to do recordings as it gets you familiar with playing under pressure, but in the end I would go to a studio. It doesn't matter if you have good equipment, its the person behind the knobs that can make you sound pro or awful. If you are looking to build your website, check out the self paced tutorials that will walk you through using Wordpress to build your band's website (if its good enough for the Rolling Stones, its good enough to you). [easyazon-block asin="B00CAC6DXO" align="left"]