012 Kicking Chronic Pain – Chronic Pain vs. Physical Weakness

Kicking Chronic Pain with Tim Vande Sluis show

Summary: Chronic pain versus physical weakness is something that we all must try to overcome as our bodies heal and we become more able to do new things. Chronic pain is a devastating problem that limits how much we can do. It is something that keeps us from doing those things it would keep our bodies in good physical shape. As time passes and the more of that time passes the worse the situation becomes. Chronic pain develops issues as we overcome our chronic pain we then have to overcome our physical weakness. Physical Weakness Brought on by Chronic Pain. Physical weakness is a devastating byproduct of fighting chronic pain for long periods of time. Physical weakness develops through the lack of using our muscles and our bodies. As we hold still we lose physical conditioning and physical ability. This is a another byproduct of the effects of chronic pain in our lives. At What Point do we Know What is Chronic Pain and What is Physical Weakness? Understanding our bodies and how they feel is important to be able to differentiate between these two distinct yet potentially painful things. As chronic pain decreases it becomes easier to understand where our physical limitations are. Our physical limitations can bring on acute pain when we overuse our physical bodies and wear them out. There is a constant struggle between understanding our own chronic pain and our physical weakness. This is always going to be a challenge in my life but it is one I have pointed out in my life, and defined, and now that I understand it I can do something about it. The first part of being able to fight chronic pain is to understand how it is generated and why it happens. That is due to nutritional deficiencies in every case. Physical weakness comes about because of the lack of use of our bodies. In the case of chronic pain and chronic illness this is brought on because we do not use our bodies because of pain. We can overcome physical weakness through planned moderate activity. We must slowly build up our ability to do more. Rushing this will cause additional pain, potential injuries, and frustration over time. We must take it slow and steady just like we must do with fighting our chronic pain.