President Obama and Black Teen Pregnancies - Indie Urban Underground Hip Hop

Black Talk Radio News show

Summary: Original Podcast Here! Visit UniTee Design Inc On Black Teen Empowerment Radio: We will discuss the President's efforts to reduce unwanted pregnancies and how it could possibly impact teens. Do you know what the rate of pregnancies are for Black teens? We've heard all of the political and social rhetoric about "babies having babies" but what are the facts pertaining to our young sisters? How do we go about addressing the issue of teen pregnancy with our youth? What are some of the proactive things we can do instead of being reactive? Are you pregnant or a teen mother or are close to someone in this situation? We would love to hear from you! What methods and programs work with teens and which ones don't. How can they be helped to make better decisions about sex and is abstinence the only thing we should discuss or teach? If you have a question give us a call! Who will be our featured artist of the week? Get free MP3 downloads of the music we play after we post the podcast of today's program so make sure you join our group on the Black Talk Radio Network.