Celebrity Mom Calls For Famous Moms To March For 7 yr old Aiyana Jones

Black Talk Radio News show

Summary: Jewel Allison is a model, actor, public speaker and poet but more than anything else she is a mother who has been touched by the tragic killing of 7 yr old Aiyana Jones. Aiyana Jones was shot dead by Detroit Police on May 14th, 2010 in what some are calling negligent homicide. Some members of the community including the attorney for Jones’s family allege a police cover up and disinformation campaign is underway. Jewel Allison wants to help keep media attention on the case and the investigation into Aiyana’s death. To support community efforts to seek justice, she started a Facebook group called INTERNATIONAL AIYANA ALLIANCE (I.A.A.) on which she wrote, “After trying to fight back the tears of crying for a child I never met, I finally had to give in to the pain and grief I was feeling and cry in my own daughter's presence”. Jewel's Bio Ms. Allison would like for celebrity moms to turn out and support a march she is coordinating to keep attention on the case. The "REDEEM AIYANA’S DREAM; MARCH FOR JUSTICE" Facebook event page. Read More. Update: Criminal justice freelance writer Elizabeth Renter started a petition demanding a civil rights investigation into "The Police Murder of Aiyana Jones". Read More. Elizabeth will be joining the program tonight.