Demanding Release of the Aiyana Jones Video

Black Talk Radio News show

Summary: 7 yr-old Aiyana Jones was asleep on a coach with her grandmother when Police looking for a murder suspect targeted the wrong flat of a two-family home in Detroit, Mich and ending up killing her. The result was the death of Ayinana Jones who was shot through the top of her head. An A&E film crew who was filming for the the TV program "First 48". Many believe that the video footage shoot by the film crew will reveal exactly what happened as some witnesses allege that the Detroit police after throwing a flash-bang grenade through the window which burned Ayiana, shot into the house before entering. The attorney for the Jones family is alleging a police cover-up and outraged citizens are calling for the video to be made public. A petition was set up by concerned citizen Issac Holloway, "Its is the aim of this petition to raise awarness and pressure Detroit to Release the Video. See Petition, Click Here. From Isaac Holloway: I am 22 years old with a degree in political science from Virginia Commonwealth University. At VCU I became a member of Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity Inc and I was active in serving the campus and local community. The case of Aiyana Jones is yet another example of law enforcements disregard for black life. Unfortunately what the black community has neglected to do was begin to take serious steps to safeguard our communities from we know to be a hostile force. Aiyana's case is about galvanizing us to be more active in policing the police and holding them responsible for their actions against us. Releasing the video taken by the 48 hours film crew will show exactly what happened in term of what the police knew prior to entering the Jones residence how that entry was conducted as well as providing a timeline and a means to prove the statements given by the police and the family.