F2FHQ 042 – Out of the Mouths of Kids

Fat2Fit HQ Podcast | Average Guys and Girls Losing Weight, Fat 2 Fit show

Summary: Listen to your kids. Do they really understand much about nutrition and fitness?  This week Carol’s young children and her husband give us tips on how we can make progress in our health journey. Welcome to the Fat2FitHQ podcast. I’m your host, Carol Salva.  I’m an educator and fitness enthusiast from Houston, Texas, and here we chronicle our journeys from Fat to Fit.  We’ll talk about pursuing a healthier lifestyle not only in diet, but in all areas of life. TOPIC: Carol’s 11 year old son interviews his younger brother, sister and dad.  We get a peek into how these people cope with a life of being raised by an obsessed health fanatic. Is the nagging doing any good at all? DISCOUNT: Don’t forget our discount from Jim Erwin  https://www.facebook.com/jim.erwin.77?fref=ts US Elite Gear  ** Promo Code for Fat2Fit HQ listeners!  Use this code to receive a 10% discount off anything in the US-Elite Gear store:   FATTOFIT10 FEEDBACK: John Williams- Hi Zack, Jake, and Carol, I have been listening to your show for a while now and I was listening to your show today (07/15/2013 Who Won?) and Zack had brought up about the 4 hour body diet so I thought I would write in. I was at a 280 over a year ago and slowly lost 20lbs up till about July or so last year. My doctor was telling me I have borderline diabetes high cholesterol besides being way over weight. I heard about the 4 hour body around that same time and thought I could do that easy enough.  So I started that diet thinking I would maybe be able to lose a few pounds and get a little healthier. Well By Thanksgiving of last year I was at 190 pounds and had to go back to the doctor to get checked before I went over to Vienna for work training. My doctor walked into the room and said “WOW what have you been doing!” When I told him about it he said I was doing great, looked great and I should keep doing what I was doing. He also did a check on my levels and found that for the most part I was well within the ranges for everything. So the 4 hour body works. And will get you on the healthy track as well. I have fallen off the diet since my training trip to Vienna for work and I can tell that I have to get back on it again. It is a big part of the reason I have been listening to your show. So since Thanksgiving (that’s about when I fell off the diet) I have gone back up to 215 to 220. Thanks for all you do. John P.S. I listen to all the shows on the network and it helps to make my days and weeks go so much better. John, your feedback comes at the perfect time!  I am excited to start reviewing the  4 Hour Body book! Thanks for listening and telling us that  we are helping you in your journey.  As it turns out, you might help us out more than you thought you would!  We look forward to staying in touch !  Thanks again! - Carol iTUNES: Thank you for the iTunes reviews! We depend on your valuable iTunes reviews.  It helps the show become more visible in iTunes and helps guide our content. How do I leave a review you ask??  Read on... HOW TO LEAVE  A REVIEW IN iTUNES Depending on your device, you may be able to just click the link above, see the iTunes preview page and click your way into ITunes and our show.  It is easy from STORE and so it may be obvious on your screen or you can follow the steps below. For help, watch this youtube video  (thank you John White for this) http://youtu.be/XFtkUk_qiZQ To leave a review using an iPhone or iPad, watch: http://m.youtube.com/watch?feature=plcp&v=9eMFNiBrnHY Here are the steps to leave your MUCH appreciated review: Go to STORE in iTunes or in your Podcast App Find the podcast that you would like to write a review for. (we are Fat2FitHQ podcast) Click “Write a Review” in the Customer Reviews section. Enter your sign in information when prompted (unless you are already signed in). Select a star rating. Enter a title for your review. Write your review in the Review box. Click the Submit button. Wrap-up