Men You Think You Have Mad Bedroom Skills - NOT!

Date Smarter, Not Harder! show

Summary: Around the world men think they are really putting it down on women when in reality, men's lack of skills in the bedroom make women roll their eyes in frustration and avoid having sex. How can men be completely and utterly ignorant about what their women need physically to be sexually satisfied? Why are so many men stubbornly refusing to listen to their partners or to learn how to please her? On this show hundreds of women will share what they want from men mentally, emotionally and physically to help men learn how to stimulate their female partners. Become a memorable lover! Discover how you can have women daydreaming about what you did in bed the night before, and lustfully panting after you instead of bored out of their minds and angry. Call 347-327-9215 to participate in the broadcast. Log onto SurvivingDating.Com for other great information on kissing, lovemaking, dating and relationships!