Single Mothers Unwed Fathers and Financial Abortions

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Summary: When a man and a woman participate in consensual sex, and the woman ends up pregnant, does the man who impregnated her have any say-so in what happens with the pregnancy? There is a growing group of men and women that believe men should have a say if they don't want to parent a child, and should be able to "abort" themselves financially from any responsiblity to the child if the mother insists on having it. Men say they want the same options women have when it comes to birthing a child. Yet, over the course of human existence men have repeatedly abandoned women and children in droves, often to move on and start entirely new families with other women. That's the man's option. Women have different options, including not bringing a pregnancy to term. Men and women both have choices, their choices are just different. Many say the solution is "if a man does not want to accept that the woman has the final say in the matter of whether or not to carry a pregnancy to term then he should not be having sex with her, simple as that." How do you feel about the subject? Should fathers be allowed to abort financial responsiblity to the child he created after enjoying the sex that created the baby with a fertile female? Read Men's Right to Choose: Opting Out of Fatherhood With Financial Abortions.Then log on and participate in the discussion by calling 347-327-9215.