Ep.8 Redux: Val Lewton & The Human Centipede

The Cutting Room Movie Podcast show

Summary: Our summer re-release program pushes on into the dog days with this blast from the past, Episode 8, dug out of the Horror Palace vault. Old buddies and old movies prove to be a combustible mixture indeed! To give you an idea of the hyjinx that ensued, here’s what the original show notes looked like when this was first released back on April 16th 2012: The Cutting Room welcomes the dangerous and unpredictable Joseph Taverney to this week’s program. Aside from being an old pal of Mummy and Tomahawk’s, Mr. Taverney is a playwrite, animal wrangler, shirtless stud, thorn in Maxxacre’s side, vampire book model, and documentarian; and that’s just in his off-time (his regular job is children’s book author superhero). Mr. Taverney helps the sword-swallowers talk about THE HUMAN CENTIPEDE 2 after The California Chainsaw Maxsacre delivers his very first official dvd review on the show. Then we all travel back in time to review three Val Lewton classics from the 1940′s: CAT PEOPLE, I WALKED WITH A ZOMBIE, and THE LEOPARD MAN. Other highlights in random order: 1. Joe Mummy’s son, Mini-Mummy, makes his first appearance on the show for a special announcement about THE NIGHTMARE! 2. Awkward silences, tense exchanges! 3. Maxsacre accuses Mummy of sounding like Tommy Chong and offers proof! 4. Embarrassing moments from Tomahawk and Mummy’s! 5. Taverney threatens to have his dog eat Max! 6. Billy Grim emotionally steadies The Cutting Room ship even while wavering on his Leopard Man star rating! It all boils down to this: a can’t miss show. Will Max kill Taverney? Will Taverney overthrow Tomahawk and really take control of the show?! Will Mummy finally write an intelligent review? Will Taverney REALLY listen to what Billy Grim is saying? All of these questions, and more, will be answered! Show Links iTunes | RSS | Email Alerts | Stitcher | Tumblr | Website | Facebook | Twitter Movie Clips