TVOMP_005: Are You Expecting Too Much From Your Marketing?

Voice Over Marketing Podcast show

Summary: My guest today is Tom Collins an expert in Direct Marketing. This interview is a bit different. I want to make a couple of points before we dive in. Tom does a lot in the direct response world. He did a lot of classified advertising. Try to see how the broader themes of how he approaches marketing can apply to marketing our voice over businesses. Key Themes to listen for: Each piece of marketing is designed to take your prospective client to the next step – answer their questions Don’t try to over leverage your marketing – Sometime people want one piece of marketing to do a lot of things, like attract a customer, answer objections and close business. That rarely happens Listen to how he talks about leveraging relationships and networks to position you in a way to take yourself out of being considered a “Voice Over Commodity.” Finally Tom talks about the importance of Mindset in growing your business and how some people hold themselves back from really growing their businesses because of where they place mental limits on their income. Tom has worked with some big names and big numbers. Some of the revenue figures he talks about when working with clients may make you shake your head. Don’t be intimidated by it. Listen to how he talks about mindset and how you can take your business to the next level. There are some great nuggets of info in our conversation and I know you’re going to want to listen to this show at least a couple of times and share it with your friends. Another thing Tom was on his cell phone and I think he called in from vacation to be on the show so big thanks to Tom for taking time away to do this. Tom Collins Resources and Contact Info Tom Collins' 8 Figure Business 8 Figure Bootcamp Announcements I’m happy to announce that I am going to be a presenter at the Voice Over Virtual Conference being put together by the folks at John Florian and his Marketing Director Martha Kahn reached out to me a while back and asked if I would put together a presentation. My presentation is going to be: How To Build a 6 Figure Voice Over Business: Without Spending Your Entire Day Auditioning On Line. I’m putting that presentation together now and it’s the first time I will be presenting it. I’m going to be peeling back the curtain on some of the key strategies I used to build that business during the presentation. Should be fun so I encourage you to watch for details on when and how you can register for that Virtual conference – it’s all happening on line, so this is exciting. And speaking of Voice Over Virtual, my guest for the NEXT episode is going to be John Florian himself the founder of and we’ll be talking all about the Voice Over Virtual Conference where you can learn about all their exciting plans. I’ve also lined up several interviews for upcoming episodes – we’ve got a lot of very smart and interesting people lined up so I hope you’ll stay tuned and spread the word. Recommended Reading The Slight Edge, by Jeff Olson - Here's a quick description from "Why is it that some people make dream after dream come true, while others just continue dreaming and spend their lives building dreams for someone else? One simple reason: those that are "successful" have found their SLIGHT EDGE! The Slight Edge is not just another self-help, motivation tool of methods you must learn in order to make it up the path of success. It simply shows you how to create powerful results from the simple daily activities of your life, by using tools that are already within you. What do you need to make that happen? Discover that one thing that will help you achieve that goal, realize a life-long dream or propel you up the ladder to success. Once you've got it, then you will discover how your philosophy... creates your attitude... creates your actions... creates your results... creates YOUR LIFE!"