Picking Your Band’s Name

Marketing Musician show

Summary: Today we are talking about the things that you might think about when choosing a band name. It is going to be your brand, so you want a good. Dave Grohl of the Foo Fighters HATES the band Foo Fighters.  So what should you consider? Pick a word that exists (don't make up a word). Unless its super easy to spell, and say. Narrow down a few name choices and ask your friends. You want to see what domain names are available. If it is buy it immediately. Don't switch your name without some serious thought. There is no value in putting all this effort into a band name if you change it in three months. Make sure your domain name doesn't spell secret works. If the band was Kind of Art, and their domain was kindofart.com it looks like Kind O Fart. You can change your name when the band name is associated with "awful." This segment was from the book Get Your Band out of the Basement [easyazon-block asin="B00CAC6DXO" align="center"] 7 Mistakes bands Make with Twitter and Facebook You can read this full article here.  Thanks to Alli of sarcood.com for the tip on the article. 1. Promoting without providing value 2. Posting at the wrong times 3. Being generic & self-indulgent 4. Irregular posting patterns 5. Telling the WHAT but not the WHY 6. Forgetting that your timeline is a shopfront 7. Adopting the same strategy for Facebook & Twitter