Google Educast #102: I Shot The Serif

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Summary: Kevin leads the the gang through print-friendly formatted forms, Google+ notifications, and a who’s who at the Google booth at ISTE. Also, Google listens to its user and changes where you delete calendars, so you don’t erase them by accident. We learn to stay away from the Lobster font and use font combinations using Google’s Web Fonts.Wondering what to do this weekend or the next great summer read? We got you covered with tips and tricks. Play Cube Slam against a bear, your friends or even your bear friends. Finally, a great tip from Juan on how to upload your epubs and pdfs to Google Play and share across your devices. Related posts: Google Educast #046: Font Explosion – (I Shot the Serif) Google EduCast Show #13 – Google Video Lives On! Google Educast Show #7 – H-app-y Birthday Apps Marketplace!