SPP 058 – Selling On Other Platforms with Ed Robertson

The Story Studio Podcast - Writing, Storytelling, and Marketing Advice for Writers & Business show

Summary: Today we had our frequent and popular guest Ed Robertson to talk about selling in other bookstores, like Nook (Barnes & Noble) and Kobo. But we kicked things off by asking Ed about his experiment in writing his serial The Cutting Room. Lots of good discussion on reader expectations and new experiments here, as Ed wondered about his ability to convert readers of his popular Breakers series to the new serial. Then we talked about selling in other stores. TONS of good info here, including how Ed ranked well on the hard-to-crack Nook store and why selling on Kobo is currently harder than the other stores. We also talked about why Apple makes shit so damn hard. NOTE: At the end of this show, we realized we should have talked to Ed about writing in Sean's and my science-fiction world of The Beam, since he's one of the writers we're inviting to join us. So we kept him on to talk about that with us on a VERY cool episode of Better Off Undead, which you can find here. To view the video version of this episode, go to: Self Publishing Podcast #58 - Selling On Other Platforms with Ed Robertson