TVOMP 001: Are You a Voice Over Commodity?

Voice Over Marketing Podcast show

Summary: Are You a Commodity? I was recently at a Marketing Conference and during one of the sessions the presenter asked an interesting question. The question was: “Are you a commodity?” Nobody likes to think about themselves as a commodity, but then to rub it in further he asked 2 more questions that determined whether you/your business is a commodity or not. What were the two questions? What are the Top 5 services you provide to your clients? And… does your competition provide those same services? If the answer is yes, alas you are a commodity. (You should have heard the groans.) Does that mean we are doomed to be equated with bushels of wheat, or barrels of oil? H-E-ck NO! In this Episode You Will Learn: How To Differentiate Your Voice Over Business from Others Get the Keys to Unlock Your Pricing from "Lowest Bid Wins" Develop Your Unique Selling Proposition How to Create Your "Godiva Zone" 4 Questions to Ask Yourself to Create Loyal Clients and Raving Fans and Much More For Access to the Original Article this episode was based on, please click here. For more information about John Melley, Please visit: