The Journey with Steven Rumbelow


Summary: Steve and Alex are joined by good friend director Steven Rumbelow. In the 90’s Steven decided to bring both his career as a film maker and his journey into the borderlands together tin his 90-minute documentary “Ghosts - Proof of life beyond clinical death”. The documentary showed the up-to-date science of death and remarkable new science that bears out life beyond death as well as proposing a thesis that explains many of the anomalies surrounding death. The Space Channel then invited him to produce a series based upon the doc. In 2004 he wrote directed and produced the first of four seasons of “Beyond”. In all the 52 Episodes, that Steven refers to as his Video Encyclopedia, aired on the Space Channel in Canada and then ComCast in the USA. Now the series is available on DVD and in Digital Markets. Steven says he may be willing to do “Specials” and additional subjects under the “Beyond” banner but when more updated information becomes available and the TV investment market becomes viable enough to make new programs. Steven believes the journey is as important as the discoveries. For more on Steven