Special Announcement with Extended Hyjinx

The Cutting Room Movie Podcast show

Summary: We don’t formally review any films this episode but we sure indulge in plenty of behind-the-scenes hyjinx. Yup, you’ll get a heaping noseful of our dirty laundry as we announce our plans for the summer and chew over the reasons that went into the decision to take the reprieve. Along the way we have a casual discussion about some of the upcoming summer releases and talk over Rob Zombie’s LORDS OF SALEM. Oh, we also welcome Jeff Shroeck to the panel. Glad to have you aboard, Jeff! During our summer hiatus, we’ll be rolling out more of our horror episodes (which have been vanished from existence since the crumbling of the Horror Palace empire a few months ago) and we’ll also be checking in now and again with a mini-episode, to be sure. Fear not! we’ll be back and better than ever in September. So thanks for listening and have a great summer, everyone! EPISODE LINKS Dave’s interview with Astron 6. (Definitely required summer reading for the show!) SHOW LINKS iTunes | RSS | Email Alerts | Stitcher | Tumblr | Website | Facebook | Twitter Yes, we’ve gone fishing and we hope you do the same: