DC 98 – The Case Of The Missing Pre-Release

DeckConstruct - Magic the Gathering podcast show

Summary: The scene: present-day London. The day: Friday. The podcast: DC 98! This week kicks off with a recap of the SOM/NPH sealed event we had at Richmond on Wednesday May 11. This event replaced the pre-release which was supposed to happen on May 8 but didn’t because apparently DPD is all that good at shipping Magic product! After that is the first ever listener question on DeckConstruct! A mystery listener from NYC has a question about the CounterTop combo, and I do my best to answer. Finally, I talk a bit about Block Constructed and Extended coming to an FNM near you! As always I’d love to hear from you at show@deckconstruct.com, and why not saunter over to the DC forums to have a bit of a chinwag about Magic. You’ll also find DC on the usual social media water coolers that are Twitter, Facebook, YouTube and Flickr. Thanks for listening! - DC Laboratories Links FNM formats announcement Altered City (Twitter) Music Credits Intro: Jonathan Araldi – Sunrise (Funky Mix) Sealed Event: 2Inventions – Adelaide (Silencegroove Remix) CounterTop: Nique – Purple Ocean New FNM formats: T-Polar – Satellites Outro: Darth Phader – Supermulticorehyperbreakbeatdisco The DeckConstruct podcast is produced under a Creative Commons Attribution-No Derivative Noncommercial licence. You can play it anywhere you want, and you can share it with anyone, but you can’t sell it, or make your own episode.